Getting Started

Getting started with Bedrock.

⬇️ Installation

In case you’re using uv, you can add bedrock-gi to your Python project and install it in your project’s virtual environment by running:

uv add bedrock-gi

I would highly recommend anyone to start using uv (Unified Virtual Environment Manager) if you’re not already doing so. Some of the advantages (Source: uv):

  • 🖥️ uv Python projects will work on Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • 🐍 uv installs and manages Python versions.
  • 🗂️ uv provides comprehensive project management, with a universal lockfile. This means no more headaches about virtual environments (or having to explain what on earth a virtual env is), or people running different versions of Python or Python packages on the same project, causing errors and other problems.
  • In short, 🚀 uv is a single tool to replace pip, pip-tools, pipx, poetry, pyenv, virtualenv, conda and more…

It’s of course also possible to install bedrock-gi from PyPI (Python Packaging Index) using pip:

pip install bedrock-gi