Kai Tak

Kai Tak is a neighborhood in Kowloon, Hong Kong. One of the highlights of Kai Tak used to be it’s airport, which holds a special place in aviation history due to its unique and challenging approach, which involved pilots making a steep descent over a densely populated area while making a sharp turn at the same time and then landing on a single runway that jutted out into Victoria Harbor. Landing at Kai Tak Airport | YouTube

In 1998 the new Hong Kong International Airport opened, and operations at Kai Tak Airport were ceased. After the closure, the former Kai Tak Airport and surrounding neighborhood underwent a massive redevelopment project to transform it into a new residential and commercial district, which is still continuing today.

Have a look at the Kai Tak Speckle Project to get an idea what Kai Tak looks like now. (Developents are going fast, so Google Earth 3D is a bit outdated.)

Ground Investigation Data for Hong Kong can be found here:
GEO Data for Public Use

import bedrock.gi as brgi
import requests
data_root = "https://github.com/bedrock-gi/bedrock-web/raw/main/public/gi-data/kaitak"
report_number = 31241
file_name = "GE9908.7.ags"
data_url = f"{data_root}/{str(report_number)}/{file_name}"

response = requests.get(data_url)

if response.status_code == 200:
    ags3_str = response.content.decode("utf-8")
    print(f"Failed to retrieve data: {response.status_code}")
ags3_dfs = brgi.ags3_to_dfs(ags3_str)
No data was found on line 3. Last Group: PROJ
No data was found on line 43. Last Group: HOLE
No data was found on line 44. Last Group: HOLE
No data was found on line 45. Last Group: HOLE
No data was found on line 84. Last Group: PTIM
No data was found on line 125. Last Group: SAMP
No data was found on line 194. Last Group: GEOL
No data was found on line 195. Last Group: GEOL
No data was found on line 196. Last Group: GEOL
No data was found on line 197. Last Group: GEOL
No data was found on line 198. Last Group: GEOL
No data was found on line 199. Last Group: GEOL
dict_keys(['PROJ', 'HOLE', 'PTIM', 'SAMP', 'GEOL'])
       'HOLE_DIMW', 'HOLE_DIML'],
0 AC1 VC 838804.86 820146.79 -4.40 6.00 16/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.10m to 1.10m... ... 16/06/2000 16/06/2000 000 90 G35
1 AC2(B) VC 838924.24 819940.24 -2.00 6.00 17/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.00m to 1.00m... ... 17/06/2000 17/06/2000 000 90 G35
2 AC3 VC 839082.41 819958.33 -4.80 6.00 17/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.20m to 1.20m... ... 17/06/2000 17/06/2000 000 90 G35
3 AC4(A) VC 839202.72 819766.02 -4.75 6.00 19/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.25m to 1.25m... ... 19/06/2000 19/06/2000 000 90 G35
4 AC5 VC 839315.26 819565.15 -3.20 11.00 16/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.00m to 0.75m... ... 16/06/2000 16/06/2000 000 90 DM2
5 AC6 VC 839478.85 819577.05 -6.10 5.00 17/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.25m to 0.85m... ... 17/06/2000 17/06/2000 000 90 DM2
6 AC7(B) VC 839599.62 819393.66 -6.10 5.00 17/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.65m to 1.45m... ... 17/06/2000 17/06/2000 000 90 DM2
7 KB1 VC 837972.72 818966.22 -7.90 6.00 21/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.00m to 0.90m... ... 21/06/2000 21/06/2000 000 90 DM2
8 KB2(A) VC 838048.56 819357.17 -6.80 5.50 21/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.00m to 0.74m... ... 21/06/2000 21/06/2000 000 90 DM2
9 KB3 VC 838045.89 819656.72 -6.70 4.00 21/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.05m to 0.51m... ... 21/06/2000 21/06/2000 000 90 DM2
10 KB4 VC 838450.29 819374.58 -7.10 4.50 22/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.10m to 0.63m... ... 22/06/2000 22/06/2000 000 90 DM2
11 KB5(A) VC 838271.87 819591.33 -6.00 6.00 22/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.10m to 0.43m... ... 22/06/2000 22/06/2000 000 90 DM2
12 KB6(A) VC 838350.72 819973.01 -1.90 6.00 20/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.10m to 0.70m... ... 20/06/2000 20/06/2000 000 90 DM2
13 KB7 VC 838659.40 819678.09 -4.20 6.00 20/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.00m to 0.55m... ... 20/06/2000 20/06/2000 000 90 DM2
14 KT1 VC 839914.66 819393.56 -5.75 6.00 19/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.30m to 0.60m... ... 19/06/2000 19/06/2000 000 90 DM2
15 KT2 VC 840073.08 819241.19 -5.60 6.00 19/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.35m to 0.92m... ... 19/06/2000 19/06/2000 000 90 DM2
16 KT3 VC 841064.83 818296.58 -10.20 4.50 20/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.10m to 1.10m... ... 20/06/2000 20/06/2000 000 90 DM2
17 KT4 VC 840912.49 818138.16 -8.00 6.00 19/06/2000 MY LEE 1. Sub-samples were taken at A) 0.00m to 1.00m... ... 19/06/2000 19/06/2000 000 90 DM2

18 rows × 22 columns